Can You Put Carbonated Water in Fish Tank?

Can You Put Carbonated Water in Fish Tank?

Carbonated water is toxic for fish life because it has a pH of around 2 to 4 with quite an acidic effect. In addition, the aquarium fish survive on neutral pH, and 7 to 7.5 is one of the most significant acids/base levels for goldfish. 

Moreover, CO2 is a quickly dissolvable gas, and you should never add multiple bottles of soda water to a small fish tank. 

Can You Put Carbonated Water in Fish Tank? You cannot put carbonated water in a fish tank because it causes gills constriction, body swelling, and suffocation due to saturated carbonic ions. Also, it causes fish entrapping in CO2 bubbles, restricts natural plant growth, and changes water pH. Furthermore, it changes aquarium habitat, fish dies before their standard lifespan, and carbonated water requires extreme control. 

I have surveyed around 300 fish keepers and asked them about carbonated water and its addition. However, around 90% to 95% of people consider it a toxic liquid for fish life.

Also, a few of them lost their tiny pets due to such water addition. In addition, approximately 3% to 5% of aquarium owners supported the saturated gas in tank water with preventive measures and calculations. 

Moreover, they suggested that its addition is not toxic while following the expert guidelines. You cannot remove gas from the tank, but water change is effective during such circumstances. 

In addition, I suggest fish removal from the aquariums while identifying any toxic effects on their skin and gills. It can protect them from painful ailments and sudden deaths. 

What is the effect of carbonated water in a fish tank?

The tiny creatures cannot tolerate high carbon dioxide levels in their tank water. 

The addition of carbonated water instantly increases the level of this toxic gas. In addition, the breathing process becomes challenging for the aquarium fish.

Moreover, the tank oxygenation decreases, and the tiny pets feel suffocated. 

In addition, the internal acid and basic levels of the fish and tank water change due to such liquids. As a result, the fish dies frequently and cannot survive for long periods.

Why should you not add carbonated water to a fish tank?

You should never add this water in your fish tank with multiple tiny pets. In addition, the competition for oxygen increases and reaches its maximum level. Finally, I have mentioned the toxic effects of adding carbonated water on these creatures. 

Constriction of gills

Generally, the gills help in the gaseous exchange of a fish body. In addition, they can constrict and relax while gaining oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide.

But, a high volume of carbonated water has a deadly impact on their gills. In addition, they constrict permanently, and they cannot breathe. As a result, they die due to suffocation, which is dangerous for aquarium keepers. 


The fish have a thin body surface that can dissolve and exchange gases. But, the toxic carbon dioxide levels generate swelling on their bodies. In addition, the gases cannot cross this passage from inside or out. 

As a result, the toxic carbon dioxide remains onside their bodies for long periods. The swelling of the bodies is a painful phase, and it kills them.


The oxygenation of tank water remains at equilibrium at standard conditions. But, a few people add soda water in their aquariums to grow natural plants. As a result, the plants get enough CO2, but oxygen decreases. 

In addition, the water lacks the fresh air for fish breathing. As a result, the gills malfunction, and the fish gets ill. They feel suffocated in specific corners of the aquarium and stop swimming. 

Entrapping in CO2 bubbles

The carbon dioxide bubble or balloon comprises a high concentration of this gas. However, people add it as an additive to fulfill the natural standards of water habitat.

In addition, the fish entraps in these bubbles due to frequent swimming conditions. As a result, they cannot get enough oxygen for breathing and die after a few days. 

Restriction of plant growth

Oxygen is necessary for tiny pets and naturally growing plants. In addition, they require carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. 

But, a few people add carbonated water as a fertilizer. In addition, the plant grows without any harmful effects.

However, they have deeper colors, and extra carbon dioxide charges them exceptionally. 

In addition, the toxicity of such pants eventually harms the fish, and a few of them die at the spot after eating the plant leaves. 

Alteration of water pH

The gas can dissolve in water and secrete different ions. In addition, the carbonic acids release and spread in tank water. As a result, the pH of the aquarium water changes and becomes low.

The fish can survive on a pH of 6.7 to 7.5, but due to such additions, it becomes acidic. In addition, the other mineral sources decrease due to saturated gas levels.

My friend lost his 20 to 30 aquarium fish due to carbonated water. Also, he suggested avoiding this liquid for my aquarium. 

Require maintenance and control

A few people add soda water despite all the toxic effects. But, they remain engaged with the acidic impact of this sparkling water.

In addition, control and maintenance become a frustration for fish keepers. Also, after all the preventive measures, tiny pets die due to high toxicity levels. 

Modification of tank structure

However, the standard monitoring keeps CO2 at a moderate level. But, the fluctuation of the gas levels affects plant growth, fish health, and diet structure. 

As a result, the entire environment of the tank changes within a few minutes. In addition, the sudden environmental change terrifies tiny pets. A few die with these drastic changes, and others lose their lives due to shocks.

Why do some people add carbonated water in a fish tank, and how?

The aquarium size determines the volume of carbonated water, and experts can guide you about the dosage. 

Repeated testing of water and its pH with carbonated water helps in decisions. In addition, you can add 10 mg to 12 mg per liter of tank water.

Also, you can add 12 ml to 15 ml of carbonated water in 12 liters to 13 liters of freshwater. In addition, salty liquids are not beneficial for tiny pets. 

People use it for convenient usage and quick addition techniques. In addition, you can add it in small aquariums of 10 gallons to 12 gallons. 

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