Can You Put Aquarium Plants in a Pond?

Can You Put Aquarium Plants in a Pond?

Aquarium plants are an essential part of the water ecosystem. These have specific features which have a significant role in the pond. These are an excellent addition with unique features to enhance the pond’s beauty.

Can You Put Aquarium Plants in a Pond? In general, you can put aquarium plants in a pond by suitable only those plants that can survive in an outdoor pond with various fish. There are various types available with unique characteristics suitable for your pond. Avoid plants with soft leaves and plants that can not tolerate temperature changes.

You have various options of its varieties, which is a welcome addition to your pond. 

Can You Put Aquarium Plants in a Pond?

There are several kinds suitable for aquariums and ponds that provide a shaded environment for fish. 

In general, there are various types available that best for both aquariums and ponds. It includes submerged plants, marginal plants, terrestrial plants, and a few others.

Some can grow above the water surface, and others emerge that grow below the water surface.

Types of Aquarium Plants Suitable for Ponds

There are several types suitable for ponds and aquariums. These provide benefits to the fish species with enough care and proper maintenance. 

In this case, you have to take some precautions and care, and everything will be fine. 

Vals Aquarium Plant

It is a submerged plant, and the scientific name of Vals is the Vallisneria. It is suitable for the 25-29 gallon aquarium. 

Submerged aquatic plants are rooted into the water floor having flaccid or limp stems. 

This type of plant vegetation is usually below the water surface. 

They can tolerate the moderate to hard pH, generally about 6.5-9.0. It can grow fast and is commonly used by aquarists and used as a background plant. 

The unique feature is the tolerance and adaptation to the environment according to the condition.

Sword Aquatic Plant

A rosette plant that submerges partially or entirely in water is known as an Amazon sword plant. 

The scientific name is the Echinodorus amazonicus which is the best addition to the aquarium, and many hobbyists love to keep it.

They can also adopt the severe condition of the environment like pH, temperature, lightning condition, and water parameters that make it perfect for the pond.


Crypts are slow-growing marginal plants that are best for the ponds.

You can define this as the plants with submerged roots in shallow water and leaves are above the water surface around 5-8 inches. 

These types of plants are also known as shoreline or shallow marsh plants. You have to take care of it because they do not need direct sunlight exposure that may affect their health. 

They are less adaptive to the new environment, but it is not a big problem for you. You can add a few floating plants to provide a shady area for them.

Aponogeton Plant

Aponogeton Ulvaceus aquarium plant is a beautiful bulb plant. It can thrive in severe conditions like low to high light conditions and fast-growing plants. 

It is best for aquarists, both beginners and experts. 

Java fern plant

Java fern is a popular aquarium plant belong to the Polypodiaceae family. The scientific name is the Microsorum Pteropus. 

The unique characteristics of Java are its unique shape, slow growth, and maintenance. 

They can thrive when ponds’ conditions are compatible with the aquarium. 


They grow in favorable conditions and tolerate any fluctuation. Goldfish can live in the outdoor pond and eat them, but it is unpalatable for them. 

African water fern plant

The aquatic water fern plant is also known as Bolbitis heudelotii.

It is a submerged water plant and prefers the shady area for better growth. The unique feature is the ideal option for oxygenating water. 


Duckweed is also known as water lentils. You can plant this type of plant into your pond that provides fish a safe shelter.

It is best to control the algae growth and thrive in low-high light conditions.

How to Choose Aquarium Plants for Your Pond?

I can enhance my pond’s beauty by addition of several varieties of plants into the pond. 

You should carefully put the appropriate species at the proper time. Here is some aspect which you should consider before doing this.

Choose Carefully

In the market, you find an abundance of these, so chooses wisely. There are many plant species available in the market, and you can use these according to your choice. 

Floating plants give a beautiful appearance but provide a chance for excessive algae growth. 

In this way, others also offer various advantages with disadvantages. It depends on you how to care for it and maintain these.

Avoid Soft Leaves Plants

These plants in a pond remain safe and healthy if you provide them sufficient light and take care of fish. 

Some fish species like Goldfish or Koi destroy the plants having soft leaves. I prefer Vals, Swords, Apnogetons, Java ferns, and Anubias for my ponds. 

I can prefer these types of plants which cannot demolish by fish species.

Make a Good Combination of Various Plants

If you choose the wrong plants, they can demolish the pond’s beauty and damage its life. 

In this way, if you make a good combination can lead to a better appearance of the pond. 

The right combination gives the pond better texture, shape, and attractive color varieties.

Select Aquarium Plants that Tolerate Hard Temperature

You always prefer to plant which tolerate the hard temperature and pH. Vals, Java ferns can encounter these parameters. 

Why would you add aquarium plants in a pond?

These plants have several advantages, and you can decide to use them for various purposes in your pond.

It can filter the water, prevent algae growth, clean and aerate the water, optimize the water parameter, prevent fish from a predator.


They also provide a high amount of oxygen and healthy habitat for the fish.

In the aquatic system, the oxygen concentration is low, so they are a vital source of it through the photosynthesis process. 


These plants make the water clean and maintain its appearance.

These can filter out extra nutrients and minerals like ammonia, CO2, nitrites, and many others. Oxygen release out by them aerates the water. 

Optimize Water Parameters

This type of plant optimizes the water parameters. In this way, water parameters also affect its environment. 

How to Care for the Aquarium Plants in a Pond?

You can get the best result if you transfer the aquarium plant in a bucket for a while and provide suitable conditions relatable to the pond and then transfer it to the pond.

Fertilize them with proper caution and prevent them from insects and excessive sunburn. 

     Parameters    Aquarium Plant Requirement
     pH      6.5-7.00
     Temperature       75◦-80◦ F
     Light        6,500K-7,000K
    Light source       LED, T5 fluorescent
     Substrate requirements        Fine-medium gravel

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