Why is my Betta Fish Fins Stuck Together?

Why is my Betta Fish Fins Stuck Together?

Betta fish is a beautiful creature that we mostly put in aquariums for decoration. 

Why is my Betta Fish Fins Stuck Together? The fins of betta fish stuck together due to the small size tank, which does not let it move freely and make it sluggish. In addition, this happens due to poor water quality that causes fungal infections and pollutes the environment. If you do not clean the tank after 2 to 3 days, it increases the ammonia level in the tank and makes it difficult for your betta fish to breathe. Furthermore, if the temperature is not optimal, your fish can get sick, and the fins will stick together. The level of ammonia and other toxic chemicals deteriorate the water and affect the fins of betta fish.

You can keep your betta fish in a small tank where it can move freely and explore things. 

Adding lights to its habitat makes it more active and feels good.

Small tank size

Fish live in an area with the proper amount of oxygen, and they need space for free movement. So if you want to keep your fish free from disease, you have to give appropriate living areas to them.

You should add the fish according to the size of the tank; adding more fish in a small tank can cause problems.

As their number increases in a tank, the amount of residual discharge also increases, leading to more contamination.

They need moderate warm water and a variety of food for their growth. If you do not provide such a habitat, there are more chances of illness.

There is no place for them to move here and there, which makes them sluggish and look dull. So the fish become aggressive and do not grow properly.

Many people keep their betta fish in a 20 gallons tank that is a bit small.

The average aquarium should be almost 25-50 gallons, providing enough space to move.

If the size of your aquarium is small, it cannot let them move freely, and hence its fins can get stuck together.

Poor quality of water

You have to provide better qualities of water in which fish can breathe appropriately. They require clean water having no chemicals in it.

You can improve the water condition if you provide water from an official place. Moreover, you have to ensure water quality and keep it chemical-free.

You cannot use tap water in the aquarium because it contains many heavy metals that can harm your fish. It also includes microbes which further leads to the growth of algae and fungi.

The clogged fins of the betta fish can be due to the poor quality of water, or the bacterial growth in the aquarium can also enhance this problem.

If you change the water twice a week, it helps to maintain their health. It reduces the level of the germ in the water and prevents diseases.

Keep the temperature maintained for better results.

Ammonia concentration

If you do not maintain your aquarium, the waste material starts accumulating at the bottom, increasing the risk of infections in them.

The primary reason is the ammonia level that increases, which causes a decrease in the oxygen levels, which can be fatal for your fish.

It makes them lazy, leading to coma or death. Betta fish are good pets, and you should properly take care of them.

You can change almost 50 percent water at a time, which can help lower the pH of the water and is helpful to manage the problem caused due to high ammonia levels.

A high level of ammonia gas produces in the tank due to the increased concentration of fish waste. In addition, it can stick the fins together due to the residual material that clogs to its tail.

These fish start biting their tail in stressful situations and negatively impact their health.

Temperature of water

You can check that either betta fish is a warm-blooded fish or cold-blooded. Then, you can make changes in their environment accordingly.

These species are cold-blooded; it needs a warm temperature to keep themselves warm. In cold water, fish cannot move, which leads to illness.

They cannot get the energy to eat the food and digest it because of the cold water. Enzymes do not break down the food and do not provide power.

You can see a significant difference in the fish breathing in cold water because it produces less energy, reducing metabolism.

You cannot keep the temperature much warmer than the optimum temperature because it speeds up the metabolism, and the fish has to breathe more.

The average temperature at which betta fish can survive ranges from 77 to 78 Fahrenheit.

You have to monitor the temperature thoroughly because temperature change affects the betta fish quickly.

Most of my friends complain that their betta fish stopped the movement of fins, and their fins got stuck together. So they solved the issue by providing the optimal temperature and a giant aquarium.

Presence of toxic chemicals

If there are toxic chemicals present in your aquarium, you can face many issues with the heath of your fish.

Such harmful agents can enter the air, or the kids can harm the fish by putting such material in the aquarium. For example, you can use a water conditioner in the tank and then put your fish in it.

The ammonia concentration can also increase due to fish breathing, and if you do not change the water, its level rises.

It would be best to properly clean the tank so that no allergen or chemicals remain stuck to the plant or hiding space.

Unstable environment

Aquarium fish need a stable environment where all the parameters must remain the same throughout. So you can create a stress-free environment by adding more plants in a big aquarium.

If you keep disturbing the fish, it becomes aggressive and does not respond correctly to the changes in the environment.

Aquarium salt

Salt is necessary for the fish to provide a saline taste to water in the sea that is good for them. But it is not required to add salt in the tank where you have betta fish.

You cannot add salt in the aquarium where you have placed fresh plants as a food source. However, you can use aquarium salt in case of any parasite attached to fish or velvet attached to its fins.

You can use almost one tablespoon of salt in a container having 6 to 8 gallons of water. It is the average amount of salt that helps to cure the disease.

If you add more amount, it leads to severe complications, and it is not suitable for curing many diseases.

Most people use aquarium salt that contains sodium chloride, and it is present in every home. You can also use magnesium sulfate, which helps to cure infections.

It is less intense than sodium chloride, and you can easily use it in your aquarium. However, never not put your fish in the salted water for more than a few minutes.

How to manage a betta fish having a fin rot?

Rot fin is a disease in the fish because of extra bacterial growth on the fins that eats its fins and makes holes.

It would be best to observe the fins of your betta fish that either they are getting the fungus on it or a slimy texture also indicates some problem.

If rot fin is severe, you cannot treat it by putting your fish in the saltwater. Instead, you need proper medication and keep a healthy environment.

You should change 80 to 90% daily to keep the aquarium clean. If there are other species in the same tank, you need to isolate your fish.

Malachite green is an organic compound having antifungal properties that can help to treat the fin rot in betta fish.

You can add one tablespoon of malachite green in 9 to 11-gallon water.

It will help if you use it with extreme care because it is a toxic chemical. However, it does not affect the pH of the water and treats the fungal infections that harm the fish.

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