How to Stop Fish from Swimming Into Filter

How to Stop Fish from Swimming Into Filter?

How to Stop Fish from Swimming Into Filter?

Hey guys! Do you want to make your fish safe from getting stuck into a filter? Here, will share some useful step-by-step ways to stop your fish from swimming inside a filter.

Usually, prominent and other small body adult fish do not get stuck in a filter because they are also intelligent enough to keep their body safe.

The real issue comes with the fish fry or baby fish. They can quickly get stuck in the aquarium filter and hurt their selves.

Small fish can also stuck in the filter media by passing through the filter and become dead. So, it is really important to keep it safe from the screen.

How to Stop Fish from Swimming Into Filter?

You can quickly stop fish from swimming into the filter by just using the following methods. Here we go;

Use Wrapping Around Filter Tube 

The first and best method to stop the baby fish from getting stuck into the filter is to use wrapping around the filter’s inlet side.

Any stocking or wrapping will work for protecting your fish fry. The wrapping on the inlet area all filters should be gentle, and it should have small holes in it.

So that the filtration system does not stop; it’s working, and the fish also stay safe at the same time. So it will help you a lot.

Your fish fry will never get stuck in the filter, and your equipment will keep doing its work. You should not keep a big filter in your aquarium if you have little fish in it, especially the baby fish.

You have to wrap the inlet with the transparent wrapping so that it may not become visible. Otherwise, you can use a light color wrap to keep an attractive look of your aquarium. You can leave a fish tank filter off for a few minutes.

Put the Fish Fry in Safe Aquarium 

The next thing is that you should keep the fish fry in a safe aquarium. Do not keep the baby fish in the community aquarium where big fish can hurt them.

As soon as you find the baby fish in your tank, keep them separate in another safe tank or bowl. Make sure that the new tank should not have heavy electronic equipment in it.

It is for your baby fish protection. They do not need such a high range of equipment but clean water and the right environment.

Create a Barrier for Aquarium Filter 

If you cannot wrap your aquarium filter, then the other thing you can do is to create a half barrier between the fish and the filter.

Make sure that the barrier is not complete so that the filter can do its work correctly. But it must be enough so that little fish cannot get into it.

Try Other Types of Safe Filters 

The best way to keep the baby fish safe is to use other types of filters that are safe enough for them. Like you can use the best sponge filter in the little fish aquarium until they become adult.

There are different types of safe aquarium filters, which include sponge filter, airlift filter, small underwater gravel filters, etc.

These are the best type of filters which can never hurt a little fish because they absorb the dirt and fish poop.

Although the water clearance is not 100% by these filters, you have to do the regular water changes side by side. Their results are also the best and most of all, safest. You can also use two filters in a fish tank.

This is something compatible and safe to use in an aquarium that has small creatures in it. By using these filters, you will not have to face any problem.

Your fish will never get stuck into any of these filters. But if you already have other filter types in your aquarium, then you can make them safe for your little fish.

My story 

The reason I dedicated my time to this article is my bubbly, my little fish, which died getting stuck into a filter.

One day, I went on a trip. I am always a great caretaker for my pet fish. I had one baby fish in my aquarium three months back.

When I was on my trip with my university friends, I left my aquarium with an automatic fish feeder and a monitoring system to keep everything okay.

I was fully prepared to leave my aquarium all alone safely. All aquarium equipment work well by keeping an eye on the water parameters and levels. 

My aquarium filter was also working best at its peak level, but unfortunately, it was not safe for my little fish. All other fish were safe and fine, but a small curious fish get into the filter while swimming here and there. 

She stood stuck in the filter for a very long time, and when I come back from the trip at night, the little fish was dead.

It was a horrible feeling seeing my baby fish dead in the aquarium filter, and I was weeping at that time. I had raised and brought her up from the very first day, and she was very close to my heart.

In the end, I could do nothing, but regret, I am also glad that this incident forced me to search a lot about keeping an aquarium filter safe for little fish.

Now, I have so many baby fish in my separate fish tank, and I am raising like a pro. I have adjusted the sponge filters in their aquarium. 

I do the regular water changes as well, and they take great care of my fish. Even now, I can leave them alone without any fear, and I can ensure their safety 100%.

So follow these simple and easy steps so that your baby fish might not get stuck into the aquarium filter. Sharing is like caring for someone, so that is why I wish to share this information with you guys.

Because I care for you people, so that is why I have given you e detail in this piece of information, now you can also save other baby fish and make your home aquarium a happy and safe place for small fish. Help them grow well and safely.

Final words 

Follow all this simple and straightforward guide, and you can save your fish from different kinds of filter issues like stuck in it, flowing with its water flow, etc.

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